Harry William Leeth and Gaynell Louise (Howland) Leeth are pictured above. They were united in holy matrimony on Friday, October 19th, 1945 and out of their marriage of 53 years came forth 2 daughters. The first born and in seceding order are:

Sherry Lynn (Leeth) Butcher

Rosetta Mae (Leeth) 

     Harry William Leeth was born on Tuesday, November 1st, 1921. On Sunday, December 13th, 1998 he crossed over into Gloryland after having lived 77 years and 43 days upon this earth. He is now in the presence of his Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

     Gaynell Louise (Howland) Leeth was born on Monday, September 8th, 1924 and she continues to hold fast her witness for Jesus.  



KJV John 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

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